Prizm Document Converter
Feature Overview

Document Type Support

Support for converting many document types, including Microsoft Office 2007/2010 documents (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx), Office 2000 (.doc, .xls, .ppt), Open Office (.odt, .sxw, .ods, .sxc, .odp, .sxi, .odg), Images (.jpg, .bmp, .png, .gif, .tiff), and Adobe PDF. For a complete list of supported document types, refer to: 

Document Conversions

Supported document types can be converted to SVG and PDF, preserving the fidelity of your office documents, and to Web friendly formats PNG, JPG, and Tiff.

Flexible RESTful API

Prizm Document Converter’s Content Conversion Service exposes an intuitive and flexible RESTful API, exposing a variety of useful options for converting source documents to our supported target formats. Options are available for resizing/scaling, single or multi-page output, conversion progress reporting and more. See Content Conversion for details.

No Need to Install Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, or Adobe Software

All conversion, rendering, and display of documents is done within the server. There is no need for Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, or any other additional software licenses or downloads.



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